50+ Easy Pencil Drawings of Animals That Look So Realistic


Sometimes many people want to draw something realistic but due to lack of practice, they are unable to do so. So, if you have the desire to draw and it is something you really want to do, then we are giving you 12 easy pencil drawings of animals That Look So Realistic. So, what are you waiting for? Read the full post and start drawing.

Easy Pencil Drawings of Animals That Look So Realistic

Easy Pencil Drawings of Animals That Look So Realistic
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Easy Pencil Drawings of Animals That Look So Realistic
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Easy Pencil Drawings of Animals That Look So Realistic
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Easy Pencil Drawings of Animals That Look So Realistic
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Easy Pencil Drawings of Animals That Look So Realistic
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Easy Pencil Drawings of Animals That Look So Realistic
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Easy Pencil Drawings of Animals That Look So Realistic
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Easy Pencil Drawings of Animals That Look So Realistic
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Easy Pencil Drawings of Animals That Look So Realistic
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Easy Pencil Drawings of Animals That Look So Realistic
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Bear Cub

Easy Pencil Drawings of Animals That Look So Realistic
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Easy Pencil Drawings of Animals That Look So Realistic
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A Bear cub is similar to a teddy bear. It is very easy to draw and require less practice. As per the size of your canvas or paper, you can decide the size of Bear Cub. This easy pencil drawings of animals mainly bear cub looks very cute and is widely drawn by kids in schools to develop their drawing skills.

Simple Kitten

Easy Pencil Drawings of Animals That Look So Realistic
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Easy Pencil Drawings of Animals That Look So Realistic
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Drawing kitten is easier as compared to a cat. You can draw a simple kitten with a pencil by using basic drawing skills. If you draw it using some creativity then we are sure that it will seem very realistic. You can start by drawing the face of the kitten, then ears, eyes, nose. Then draw the rest of the body and a tail. Moreover, it’s totally up to you whether you want to color it or not.


Easy Pencil Drawings of Animals That Look So Realistic
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Easy Pencil Drawings of Animals That Look So Realistic
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To start drawing a realistic painting of a monkey, first, you have to carefully observe the picture and each body parts. You should begin drawing circles as well as ellipses representing every part of the body. Create circles from the head if possible and then draw a smaller circle representing showing the mouth of a monkey. Add some features to the face such as eyes, nose, etc. Moreover, shade it to highlight the various parts of the body.


Easy Pencil Drawings of Animals That Look So Realistic
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Easy Pencil Drawings of Animals That Look So Realistic
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Peacock is very easy to draw and if drawn with full interest then it looks very realistic. This is one of the easy pencil drawings of animals as it requires the only body to be drawn and feathers. Drawing feathers of a Peacock is very easy and you should draw various numbers of feathers to make your drawing more realistic and fine. In addition to this, for shading the body, it is good if you use softer or HB pencil.

Frilled Neck Lizard

Easy Pencil Drawings of Animals That Look So Realistic
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Easy Pencil Drawings of Animals That Look So Realistic
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Frilled Neck Lizard is also known as Frilled Dragon. It is not very difficult to draw but yes you need some creativity and interest to draw it perfectly. The main point of focus in this drawing is the frills of a lizard. If you don’t want to use color to give finishing to it, then you can pencil shading in it. You should make a large Frilled Neck Lizard have a more pragmatic drawing.

Koala Bear

Easy Pencil Drawings of Animals That Look So Realistic
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Easy Pencil Drawings of Animals That Look So Realistic
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The outline of a Koala bear should be an easy template for you to copy. Endless practice is the most excellent single thing you can do, so you will have to practice to draw this Koala bear pencil drawing. Koala bear drawing looks very cute. You can add some tree branches around it to make it appear like the Koala bear is holding a tree branch. To give a good look at tree branches you can shade it with a pencil.

An Echidna

Easy Pencil Drawings of Animals That Look So Realistic
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Easy Pencil Drawings of Animals That Look So Realistic
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Echidna is a spiky small animal whose main food is the ant. Many people get scared of this due to its spiky or thorns in the outer skin. It is one of the easiest easy pencil drawings of animals on this list. You have to only draw the body structure and draw some spikes on it. Furthermore, the body will be left black, but if you want then you can fill it by shading including drawing eyes. So that’s all, your drawing of an Echidna is completed.

Marine Animals

Easy Pencil Drawings of Animals That Look So Realistic
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Easy Pencil Drawings of Animals That Look So Realistic
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Next in the list of easy pencil drawings of animals is the drawing of Marine Animals. You can draw fish and octopus as these are easy to draw. But it’s a better idea to start off with mastering outlines ahead of you attempt to draw a fully detailed animal drawing. As compare to octopus, fish is easier to draw. It totally depends on your choice, the size of fish to be a draw and give a shading effect on it or not. In both ways, it will look good.

A Snail

Easy Pencil Drawings of Animals That Look So Realistic
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Easy Pencil Drawings of Animals That Look So Realistic
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Drawing snail is easy and if you are a beginner artist then you must try this. You can start drawing snails from the head and then making other outlines of its body. If you will keep practicing then you will definitely able to draw it perfectly without any flaws.

The Wombat

Easy Pencil Drawings of Animals That Look So Realistic
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Easy Pencil Drawings of Animals That Look So Realistic
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In real, sometimes the Wombat has a bad mood but in drawing, it looks very cute. It moves slowly and has a high ability to defend itself. Draw its body structure and then 2 ears and eyes. Also, draw four legs and draw some lines to resemble the hair on the body. As a background, draw some glass or forest type scene to depict that the Wombat is in a forest and no doubt it will look very realistic.


Easy Pencil Drawings of Animals That Look So Realistic
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Easy Pencil Drawings of Animals That Look So Realistic
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Goanna is a member of the lizard family, but we included it in the list of easy pencil drawings of animals because it is very easy to draw and after finishing looks very realistic also. Drawing outline is very simple as it does not require any special features. It is advised that first, you should make little dots or marks on your paper and then fill it to get a good outline of a Goanna.

Baby Elephant

Easy Pencil Drawings of Animals That Look So Realistic
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Easy Pencil Drawings of Animals That Look So Realistic
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Drawing Elephant is not very easy, but you can try to draw a Baby Elephant. Do some illustrations such as ears, teeth, legs, etc. and shade it to make it realistic. But yes, it will require practice to get a good baby elephant pencil drawing.

Easy Pencil Drawings of Animals That Look So Realistic
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Easy Pencil Drawings of Animals That Look So Realistic
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Easy Pencil Drawings of Animals That Look So Realistic
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Easy Pencil Drawings of Animals That Look So Realistic
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Easy Pencil Drawings of Animals That Look So Realistic
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Easy Pencil Drawings of Animals That Look So Realistic
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Easy Pencil Drawings of Animals That Look So Realistic
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Easy Pencil Drawings of Animals That Look So Realistic
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Easy Pencil Drawings of Animals That Look So Realistic
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Easy Pencil Drawings of Animals That Look So Realistic
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Easy Pencil Drawings of Animals That Look So Realistic
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Easy Pencil Drawings of Animals That Look So Realistic
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Easy Pencil Drawings of Animals That Look So Realistic
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Easy Pencil Drawings of Animals That Look So Realistic
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Easy Pencil Drawings of Animals That Look So Realistic
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Easy Pencil Drawings of Animals That Look So Realistic
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The practice is a word that sometimes deters a lot of beginner artists but every time you try a drawing, you are in fact practicing. We hope, that you will surely draw some animals mentioned above in the list of easy pencil drawings of animals.


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